
Fleet Training of Midshipmen, the Class of 1930, the Naval Academy of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
On May 7, 1931, they landed at Naples and enjoyed a week holiday in Italy.
They visited Capri, Vesuvius, Pompei and Rome.

The picture was taken at Naddeo Milite Ignoto in front of Victor Emmanuel II Monument at Piazza Venezia in Rome, welcomed by the Italian Navy.

They also paid courtesy call to their counterpart at the Naval Academy in Livorno.

The above description was revised and corrected on 2009/10/13. Many thanks to Mr. E. Pinak of Kyiv for his kind information and advise.

昭和六年五月 羅馬・無名戰士の墓前で 伊太利海軍の歡迎を受ける。



They disembarked at Marseille on May 17 and on May 20th, they alighted from a train at GARE de LYON to enjoy 5-day-holiday in Paris.

兵科五十八期は 下川萬兵衛、奥宮正武、江草隆繁、関 衛、村田重治、中島 正 等 歴戰、練達の飛行隊長を輩出したクラスである。

遠洋航海から歸ったひと月後の九月十八日には 滿洲事變勃發、第一次上海事變が終息した直後の昭和七年四月一日任官。飛行分隊長として支那事變に、昭和十六年十二月八日 大尉飛行隊長として布哇に馬來に比葎賓にと大活躍を遂げる。 

113 cadets include prominent pilots, such as Manpei Shimokawa (fighter), Masatake Okumiya (dive-bomber), Takashige Egusa (dive-bomber), Mamoru Seki (dive-bomber), Shigeharu Murata (torpedo-bomber), Tadashi Nakajima (fighter).

On September 18th, one month after they returned from the training voage, the 918 incident broke out in Manchuria. Imperial Japan proceeded into 15-year-wartime-era.
On December 8th, 1941, they had promoted to Lieutenant Commanders and acted as the most brilliant group leaders of navy's wings.

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